

First Of The Gang - Zee Avi


看过这样一段对这首歌的乐评:"自嘲般讲着一个明明很尴尬甚至悲伤的故事,却完全是一副感叹懵懂小毛贼偷心不成引火上身的闹剧。言语是穿喉的弹药,行为是走火的步枪,那个埋下了笨拙小贼的城镇满是暧昧。 "


You have never been in love,      你不知恋爱的滋味

Until youve seen the stars,       直到你看到星星的光

reflect in the reservoirs         反射在水池的表面


And you have never been in love,  你不懂恋爱的滋味

Until youve seen the dawn rise,   直到你看见黎明的日出

behind the home for the blind     出现在盲人之家的后面

We are the pretty petty thieves,   我们是美丽的小偷

And youre standing on our street     而你就站在我们的这条街上

where Hector was the first of the gang 在这街上,Hector是我们之中

with a gun in his hand            第一个手里拿枪,

and the first to do time          第一个去坐牢

the first of the gang to die. Oh my.我们这帮人中第一个没命的 喔 我的天

Hector was the first of the gang   Hector是我们之中

with a gun in his hand         第一个手里拿枪,

and the first to do time          第一个去坐牢

the first of the gang to die. Oh my.我们这帮人中第一个没命的 喔 我的天

You have never been in love,     你不懂恋爱的滋味

Until youve seen the sunlight thrown  直到你看到阳光洒落在

over smashed human bones     破碎的人类骨骸上


We are the pretty petty thieves,  我们是美丽的小偷

And youre standing on our street   而你就站在我们的这条街上

where Hector was the first of the gang 在这条街上,Hector他是我们之中

with a gun in his hand         第一个手里拿著枪,

and the first to do time         第一个去坐牢

the first of the gang to die. Such a silly boy. 我们这帮人中第一个没命的这个傻孩子

Hector was the first of the gang                                  Hector                          是我们之中第一个,

with a gun in his hand                                                      手里拿著枪,

and a bullet in his gullet                                                 咽喉里嵌著子弹

and the first lost lad to go under the sod.        第一个长埋黄土里的迷途男孩


And he stole from the rich and the poor          有钱的没钱的他都偷

and the not-very-rich and the very poor          不太有钱的和非常没钱的他也照偷

and he stole all hearts away        他偷走了我们所有人的心

he stole all hearts away            偷走了我们所有人的心

he stole all hearts away            偷走了我们所有人的心

he stole all hearts away            偷走了我们所有人的心

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