

Long Lost Pen Pal - Hello Saferide



Long lost pen pal是我心中可以对应出具体人物的歌曲。


My dear pen pal




Hello Do you remember me I am your long lost pen pal

你好 记得我吗 久别的笔友

It must have been ten years ago we last wrote


I don’t really know what happened I guess life came in the way

后来就断了联络 或许生活 本来就是这样吧

Let me know if you’re still alive Let me know if you ever used that knife or not

你还好吗 现在怎样 好想再听你说的那些故事

Hello Yes I remember you

你好 久违的笔友

I’ve got a husband and two children now work as an accountant and make fairly good money

我结婚了 已经是两个孩子的妈妈 工作还不错 做会计

I still have your letters, you used a pink pen to write them

我还留着你的信 那些用粉色笔写给我的信

And you would comfort me when my tears would stain the ink

你安慰我的话 我哭过的泪迹

And I would send you mix tapes with Kate Bush on

然后 我记得我就会 寄KATE BUSH的磁带给你

I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters

其实我不得不承认 我在信里说过慌

Tried to make life better than it was I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen

把我的生活虚拟得很好 那次初吻并不是16岁

And I still need a friend

可我仍然需要你 朋友

There was this letter I never told you this back then

这些写好的信 我从没想过要寄给你

But it would be fair to say it saved my life


I sat in the window The only one left out from a party again

独坐窗边的我 是唯一会中途退场的人

Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend

我很确认 其实我没有任何朋友

Then I checked the mailbox


Dear long lost penpal I was lying the whole time

久别的亲爱的笔友 我说了很多很多的谎

I’m really a 46 years old man named Luke

其实我叫LUKE 一个46岁的老男人

I have three children and a wife, she doesn’t care

我有三个孩子 还有一个妻子,她根本不关心我

And I hope you don’t resent me And I hope you do not hate me

我不奢望你会回信 只是希望你不要恨我

For trying to find my way back to what it’s like to be young


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